fine art photography by Zita Johnson - Award winning nature and landscape photographs in both giclee and crystal archive - Zita Johnson Fine Art Photography

"All my life I've seen fog rolling in like that. but I could never get it on film. About three of four weeks ago. my husband noticed it on the way to the city. The next day. we took a chance that the fog would still be there and went to the Headlands. I waited five hours until it burned off just right."

articles and press


Novato Advance. 1992

“She entered her photographs in the Sonoma-Martin Fair in Petaluma. and has brought home dozens of ribbons. including a Best of Show. two Best of Class. and 16 first place awards.”

Johnson Getting the Picture. staff writer Alfie Jay

“The turning point for her photography came when Johnson showed her photos to respected area photographer Ed Dyba. who printed the mural sized photographs for many of the famous photographers of the day. “He made a big deal about my pictures. Ed really encouraged me . that's when I began to really take it seriously.” she [Johnson] said. “He said I had an eye for good composition. that is. what a picture should look like. and after talking to him I felt like a new person. with confidence” she added.

“Except for one class in darkroom technique which she took at College of Marin. some specialty workshops and studies of the great photographers. Johnson's photographic skills have been mostly self-taught.”

M.A.R. News 1992. Member Spotlight

“In 1986. Zita Johnson entered the Kodak International snapshot contest. Her first photography competition. The judges awarded Zita First Place in the weekly competition and Runner-up Grand Prize in the overall competition.”

"She has also won numerous prizes in other competitions and exhibits including. The Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibit and the prestigious "Marin Society of Artists" shows in Ross. California which she was invited to be a member."

“Over the next 6 years. Zita has won over 100 First Place awards. numerous Best of Show and Most Original Prints. Plus Best of Class awards for her photography. In the Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition. one of her images was honored by placement in the California Grand Jury Book. This Exhibition toured California with her photos and was one of her most favored.”

Prize after prize for camera lover. Jacqui Brand Independent Journal Reporter

“Johnson. a Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker in Greenbrae. bought a 35mm Pentax camera in 1976 when she decided it was up to her to take photos of properties that she was listing. Her focus expanded as she saw fascinating tableaus through her lens... Johnson's advocation eventually led her to invest in a 100 pound. large format camera. which she recently carted to the Martin Headlands at 5 a.m. To capture a scene of San Francisco bay and the Golden Gate bridge seen through a mantle of morning fog.”

“all my life I've seen fog rolling in like that. but I could never get it on film. About three of four weeks ago. my husband noticed it on the way to the city. The next day. we took a chance that the fog would still be there and went to the Headlands. I waited five hours until it burned off just right. Johnson says.”

Best of the Best - State of California

"When the California State Fair debuted its County Fair Best of Show competition in 1987. the idea was to honor all the Best of Show winners of the 79 county. district and citrus fairs across the State to Sacramento for the State Fair. For added incentive. the organizers decided to turn this little gatherig ito a competition of its own. A sort of Best of Show Super bowl.

Just to make it to the State Fair means you are already a champion. This year will be Zita Johnson's seventh time in the County Fair Best of Show competition at the State Fair. She has qualified every year since the competition began. That's an accomplishment many people can only dream about."

"When I first won I thought it was an accident. The next year I couldn't believe it." said Johnson. "I guess I have a natural eye for composition"

When this full page artical came out in the Sacramento Bee and in the 1994 Official State Fair Program. the competition was just begining. Zita won the whole "Best of Show" super bowl competition. the "Best of the Best".

Best in the State! Novato Advance August 31. 1994

"A novato photographer is the best in the state. Zita Johnson has the blue ribbon to prove the claim."

"Johnson's work "Infinity" won first place in the California State Fair Best of Show competition. Only work that has won Best of Show honors in the county fair competition is eligible to be presented at the State Fair Best of Show Exhibit."

"I Can't believe it. I'm dumbfounded. Sometimes I still think it must be someone else. says Johnson. still a bit dazed by the honor.

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